Privacy Policy
Australian Dental Prosthetists Association Ltd. (ADPA) ABN 64 142 187 442

Our Commitment to Privacy
The ADPA supports a robust privacy culture. We collect and manage member information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and other requirements of the Privacy Act 1988. **
This Privacy Policy forms part of our broader Terms & Conditions. It explains how we collect, use, disclose, secure, and otherwise deal with the personal information of our members and other individuals who access the ADPA – whether in person, at ADPA events, via this website or other channels we promote (such as social media pages).

Why we collect personal information, how we do it and what it includes

The ADPA supports and delivers a range of products and services in the interest of our members.

Our activities are well articulated on our website and include, but are not limited to:
Membership activation 
Updating personal and practice information of our members
Membership renewal
Continuing professional development for members
Advertising employment opportunities in the dental industry
Community “find a dental prosthetist” service
Events promotion and attendance
Supporting volunteer initiatives
Handling complaints about practitioners and other matters.
The personal information we collect relates directly to the nature of your engagement with us and may include:
Contact details (who you are and how we can reach you)
Relevant demographic details (such as your age and gender)
Education information 
Professional details (including your CPD status)
Employment details (including whether you are currently employed and the business details of your employer)
Activities or areas of involvement with the ADPA (such as what you want to get out of your membership and what we are doing for you)
Financial or payment related information.


Secure payment services
Our secure payment provider, Ezidebit, is accessed via a gateway from the ADPA website. Our service agreement articulates that privacy considerations are dealt with in accordance with Ezidebit’s privacy policy.
Personal information collected and managed by Ezidebit on our behalf is stored securely in Australia.
Our survey services are provided by reputable suppliers including but not limited to Survey Monkey. 
All members are asked to consider participating in ADPA surveys so that we can continue to offer meaningful and relevant services, as well as improve our practices to meet member expectations. Participation in any of the ADPA’s surveys is entirely optional and members are encouraged to familiarise with the privacy policy of the relevant survey supplier before providing any information – personal or otherwise. 

Links to other websites
The ADPA website may provide links to information, resources, and services available on other websites. When you link to other websites, you are leaving the ADPA’s website, and your personal information will be handled in accordance with the privacy policies of those websites.

We do not share your personal information with other websites, and we do not track your external website browsing history.
Access to/amendment of your personal information

It is your right under Australian privacy law to request access to the personal information we hold about you. It is also your right to request that we amend the information in cases where it is out-of-date, incomplete, incorrect, or misleading.

If you are a member, you can access and amend your personal information (account details) by logging in to the Member Centre of the ADPA website or by contacting the ADPA Team on 03 9607 8240.
Updates to our Privacy Policy
The ADPA will review and update this Privacy Policy as required to ensure that it accurately reflects our privacy practices. Last updated: May 2024.